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Response to look what the digital world is saying

from Ed Buffaloe (edb@unblinkingeye.com)
I too am hoping that smaller companies will be able to fill the niches vacated by Kodak, Ilford, Agfa, and Fuji, and that we will still be able to work in an analogue darkroom in 50 years. But already a great many unique materials have passed out of existence (Pan-X, Kodak's duplicating film, APX-25, Brovira, Portriga, etc.; Verichrome Pan will go this year) and I can only imagine that the number will increase over the next decade.

I am also encouraged by the number of students who take an interest in traditional black and white photography and in historical processes. Two weeks ago I taught a weekend workshop on making enlarged negatives by reversal for a group of students from Austin Community College. All of them were very enthusiastic about their photography class and the techniques they were learning.

On the other hand, once the new Foveon sensor is available and the prices come down a bit, I will probably buy my first digital camera. I love the ease with which I can make images and have them on the web in minutes. I also like the remarkable depth of field available from some digital cameras. Eventually I'll go up to Arlington and take Dan Burkholder's class on making digital negatives (he is a motorcycle enthusiast also, so maybe I'll see if he wants to cruise some Texas backroads with me while I'm at it).

A couple of the students from my workshop have already taken Dan's class and are already gaining expertise at making digital negatives, while at the same time exploring historical processes for making their final prints. Digital and analogue are converging, and the potential for creativity is greatly enhanced. I'm excited by the synergy.

(posted 8248 days ago)

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