OK - I'm going to place four motions on the table. All votes will expire March 8 at 2359 GMT.(posted 8406 days ago)1. To allow more than one credit in this game. This requires a 2/3 vote because it's contradicting a MARP standing rule.
2. To score 1 point / lemming saved, -10 points / continue you use. When score is negative, game over.
3a. MARP score: (100 * starting level) + (25 - killed lemmings + saved lemmings) (Kale's rule)
3b. MARP score: (30 * starting level) + (25 - killed lemmings + saved lemmings) (My variation - everyone would start at level 56 under the first proposal)
4. MARP score: 1 / lemming saved, 10 / completed stage, -5 / continue used. (my idea, dividing everything by 10)
All in favor of EACH motion will signify by saying "aye". All opposed will signify by saying "no". If you don't want to vote on a motion, please say "abstain" so I don't get confused. :) Please list ALL motions in your vote, again, so I don't get confused. (which means don't say "aye on c only") :)
My votes: 1. Aye 2. Aye 3a. No 3b. No 4. Aye GB9