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Response to RIP Kodak B&W Films

from Jorge Gasteazoro (rossorabbit@hotmail.com)
Fritz it is not lack of civility is annoyance with this same topic which crops up every other week. If you bother to check the archives you will see that the pronostication of Kodak's demise has been going on for a while. I at least bother to read the archives before I post something like this. But my biggest complaint is when people state I will not supporte them because they dont sell my favorite film anymore which of course they only bought once every few years. I for one, would like to see Kodak around for many more years and making T max, TXT, Pan-x, etc films, than have them go under and have none of these films at all! So yes Fritz I have no patience with people who whine when they are not part of the solution. You know the saying you either lead, follow or get the heck out of the way....whining is not an option.
(posted 8135 days ago)

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