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Response to RIP Kodak B&W Films

from Charlie Strack (charlie_strack@sti.com)
Sorry for the duplicate posting. I wasn't finished.

Jorge, to be specific:

I regularly used Verichrome pan until the announcement of its demise.

I used SO-132 film about 2 years ago to get a useful, printable negative from an antique negative. It worked out very well, but NOBODY else makes a similar film.

I used Prof Copy film about 2 years ago, and Ilford Ortho Plus is as close as I'll get, so I'll use that.

Why did I post? I was shocked to find everything I still had an interest in will soon be gone.

Why won't I buy other Kodak films? For color, I find other films I like as well or better. For black and white, they will no longer manufacture anything I want. Will this hurt Kodak: not from me alone, but in the aggregate it will.

I certainly don't expect Kodak to make films when their business model doesn't justify it. I also don't expect them to be in business 25 years from now (if they last that long.)

It's just very sad to see the one company that had the greatest knowledge of film and black and white processes throw it all away. But if that's what happens, that's what happens.

Why should I support any company that treats its customer (in this case for over 40 years) so shamefully?

(posted 8230 days ago)

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