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Response to B&W results disappointing - developing error?

from Ed Farmer (photography2k@hotmail.com)
It does not seem like anyone has really addressed your question properly.

The first thing to look at is the sprocket area of your film. Is this area nice and clear? Are the film edge markings sharp? Are they easily readable? If so, your film was not improperly exposed to light during loading or processing.

Also looking at the negatives: Do the negatives matching the the unsharp prints look sharper than the prints themselves? Or the same? I don't remember ever receiving a print that the lab did not print sharply. But, I would not rule it out.

Who bulk loaded the film? Are they reliable? Have you used them before? Have shot other film in the same camera with the same lens since shooting this role?

Everyone wants to jump up and blame the lab. Much more often then not, it is the photographer fault. (This includes me, by the way!)

(posted 8132 days ago)

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