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Response to how to build a darkroom cheaply

from Scott Walton (walton@ll.mit.edu)
Some of my first darkrooms where a 4x8 sheet of plywood put on 3 saw horses for the trays putting the enlarger on the washer in the basement... of course I was limited to printing at night but that was my time anyway. A tray of water on the set tub with a syphon works to wash the prints pretty well and then put your prints into a blotter book to dry them. I also had an apartment that had a closet for a washer and dryer right next to my second bathroom. I made the closet into a darkroom with my D2 on a microwave cart with a set of ladder trays behind me and all my tools and supplies on shelves I put up to my left. I would expose the print, turn around to process and then go into the bathroom to wash and hang the prints. My print dryer was, at that time, a plastic garment bag with a hair dryer in the top that worked well for prints and negatives!
(posted 8119 days ago)

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