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Response to Black and White Prints

from Ryuji Suzuki (rsuzuki@rs.cncdsl.com)
If you can live with inkjet output, I would rather use TMX in your camera processed in something like XTOL 1+3 and scan the neg, do the tonality manipulation in Photoshop or gimp or whatever. Personally, I've not found any digital output that I love at least as much as cheap flimsy RC paper.

If you are very reluctant to give up Tri-X for some reason, try my ascorbate version of D-76 at 1+1. I've made somewhat cropped 11x14 out of 35mm HP5+ but it's noticeably better than D-76 when it comes to larger blowups (in terms of sharpness and grain). XTOL is good, but metol version has better tonal quality as well as smaller grain, in my opinion. It's not too popular here maybe because you have to mix 4 ingredients and water to make it.

(posted 8113 days ago)

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