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Response to XP 2 - confusion

from David Carper (david.carper@ilford.com)
ILFORD XP2 Super can be exposed at various EIs. Obviously, there will be a change in the quality of the image produced. Shooting at EIs over 400 (such as 800-1600) will produce images that are somewhat grainy, an attribute not normally associated with XP2. Rating the film in the range of 250-400 will give tight grain, with overall good tonality. Rating the film lower, 100-200, will give even finer grain. Tonality is only slightly affected, with the shadows gaining detail and the highlights getting slightly compressed. These pictures require longer exposures when printing, which can cause color shifts if printing on color paper, but the results are outstanding. So yes, XP2 Super can be rated at various EIs in the same roll, giving high quality results, but the results will vary to some degree.

David Carper ILFORD Technical Service

(posted 8159 days ago)

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