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Response to Diafine: Tri-x @ 1000-1600. Is this a joke?

from Fred Rosenberg (fdr@netidea.com)
Hi Michael, (I might have just sent half a reply off into cyber-space...) I got your photo. Looks good to me. I'll have an opportunity to use this combination at a local town hall meeting this Wednesday. I usually shoot at 1/8 or 1/4 in this place, an old movie theatre. I'd say it was the equivalent of your tunnel but without the potential for sudden death at any moment. I'll let you know what I think of the results. Have you tried TMZ? I haven't, and at the price I would have to pay ($7 vs $2.50 bulk Tri-x), I don't suppose I will. I'm land locked to Tri-x; have never up-graded my lenses, either. Thanks again for the photo... and your web site is solid.


(posted 8182 days ago)

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