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Recommendations for processing TMAX 100 exposed at multiple speeds

from Aric Rothman (generalpurpose@hotmail.com)
At an indoor family event, I found myself without film faster than 100 ASA, and no flash. My bad. I exposed several shots on TMAX 100 at 400 ASA, intending to push when I developed it.

Unfortunately, I didn't finish the role, and I and saw an opportunity to take some outdoor candids the next day, which was very sunny. In order to isolate the subjects from the background, I shot with a wide aperture, and found it necessary to set the camera's film speed adjustment back to 100 ASA.

What developer/dilution/time should I use to maximize the likelihood of getting usable negs from all the exposures. Higher contrast in the outdoor images would be acceptable.


(posted 8079 days ago)

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