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Response to Density step tablets (calibrate a scanner to be a densitometer)

from Ryuji Suzuki (rsuzuki@rs.cncdsl.com)
Patrick, I just hate manually picking up points from the film image and manually plot things. I'd rather read values automatically, and plot curve out of a laser printer with relevant statistical accuracy measures indicated. I also want to store numerical data in data file for later analysis.

Mathematicians don't deal with dirty numbers. Applied mathematicians and electrical engineers use numerical computation and plot on screen or print out. I even saw an EE graduate student who used semi-log paper upside down without knowing it -- it's just not used as widely as before. Most engineering students don't know how to use slide rule... maybe they can do logarithm and multiplication if you quickly explain, but that's not a part of "using" it. It is just that I do not do things in your way... I don't even have a Photoshop.

(posted 8076 days ago)

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