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Response to use of non-hardening fixer w/PMK ?

from john stockdale (jo.sto@bigpond.com)
I started using Agfa FX-Universal fixer when I needed an alkaline fixer for PMK-developed negs. Here in Australia I was unable to get ammonium thiosulphate and Photograpers Formulary TF-4 was unobtainable (at least at a reasonable price)

Although Agfa FX-Universal is sold primarily as a fixer for colour processing, they're now labelling it for B+W as well. It's slightly alkaline (pH=7.5 approx), doesn't smell like acidic fixers and is used around 1+5 for film and paper. It's not as fast as Kodak and Ilford rapid fixers but is still fast.

It's very reasonably priced. I now use it for all film and paper.

(posted 8161 days ago)

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