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Has anyone used the Insolvency Helpline?

from Catherine (catherine@bradford-and-bingley-suck.co.uk)
Dear All,

I'm currently "in hiding" after being subject to the tender mercies of the Bradford and Bingley. For some time I've been intending to go bankrupt, but hate the thought of having this "black mark" against me for the rest of my life. However, after trawling through the Net, I've found a site called www.insolvencyhelpline.co.uk

The Insolvency Helpline say that they can draw up an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) between me and my creditors, which is a legal way of paying back a percentage of what I owe over a number of years, or by using a lump sum (which I don't have). Once this has been paid, the creditors can't touch me again for the debt.

Has anyone else seen or used the services offered on this site? Is it too good to be true?

Thanks for any thoughts on the above.

(posted 7910 days ago)

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