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Could you sue your solicitor?

from One Angry Mother (madcow678@hotmail.com)
With regard to the question of the MIG.

I have received a booklet of terms and conditions which were relevant to my mortgage in 1990. One of the clauses say that if I do not repay the mortgage, the B/S will pursue us for the cash.

We bought a mig on the context of this clause and were told it would insure US against shortfall.

The B/S have provided a block cover of the MIG, which clearly states that the INSURER will chase the Borrower (me) for the shortfall. The B/S say this doc (MIG) is between lender and insurer and I as borrower am not allowed to see it (even though I was forced to pay for it).

If the Insurer has a case, could you sue your solicitor for not requesting the information in the first instance?


(posted 7874 days ago)

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