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Response to Abbey National - Accepting my "Full & Final Offer" - Need Advice Please

from hanging in there! (Anderston828@aol.com)
Deed of Satisfaction

I contacted Citizens Advice by e mail about this today. They've told me that this document is only used in 1/2000 cases and it may well not not protect my interests. They say I need to see a solicitor and try and get Legal Aid as it is costly.

I've written to the Abbey today to ask them to confirm that the F&F settlement, is for all parties (inc:all borrowers, MIG companies etc) and hopefully they will be sympathetic(?)

Otherwise, I may decide to ride the storm, get a deadlock letter and complain to the FO. If they take me to court I've got no assets, so they can't take what I haven't got. F&F has to be exactly that.If they contact my estranged husband I'll be back at square one really!

(posted 7796 days ago)

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