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Woolwich, First title legal, mortgage repossession where claimants have failed to complete mortgage enquiry form for DSS

from patricia gravell (patricia.gravell@bexley.gov.uk)
Hi, I am trying to prevent a re-possessession where the woolwich have refused to complete mortgage enquiry form MI12 for the DSS. Woolwich does subscibe to the mortgage code but their representative in court has said that it is not bound by the agreement not to re-possess as the arrears are serious. Woolwich's actions have obviously contributed to the arrears situation. House is worth £165,000 indebtedness is £72,000 and arrears are approx £3,000. Representative for First Title states that now the court process has started the defendant will never be able to prove there is a reasonable prospect of repaying the capital as she has 3 young children and is not likely to be in paid work for a number of years. Judge has adjourned for 6 weeks to force Woolwich to complete the DSS form. However I am worried about this client's prospects. I am concerned that this lender has deliberately contributed to the arrears, can now claim they are serious and can deliberately flout the CML agreement regarding DSS interest direct without any consequences. Any similar stories or any suggestions Pat
(posted 7751 days ago)

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