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Response to Raising Awareness.....

from hanging in there! (Anderston828@aol.com)
I think you have to be an AOL member to view the AOL messageboards.

However your own server may have their own messageboards and again I would urge everyone to raise the subject of Shortfalls.MIG's etc on these boards or anywhere else we can think of.

I we all prepared a letter outlining the issue in general and sent it by e mail to every MP or MSP we could really help ourselves by raising the profile of this problem. Addresses for MP's etc can be found on the internet.

Why don't we all set ourselves a goal to send at least 5 letters by e mail within the next two weeks. If you are worried about confidentiality you can ask whoever you are writing to not to reveal your identity.

Please sign the e petition....you have nothing to fear.


(posted 7711 days ago)

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