How did the 49ers get there name? : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

What does 49ers actually mean?

-- (, December 29, 1997


The 49ers take their name from the appellation given 19th century miners who came to look for gold in the interior of California. Although gold was actually discovered in 1848, it wasn't until 1849 that the flood of gold seekers (also called Argonauts) arrived in San Francisco.


-- anon (, December 29, 1997.

that suks

-- john doe (, December 03, 1999.

i think it might stand for how many months it took for them to build the golden gate bridge

-- Drew Mitchell Hostler (, September 20, 2000.

All i want to know is why sourdough bread is important

-- Kent Bertsch (, November 29, 2001.

san francisco is 7 square miles "7x7=49" and so forth the name 49'ers came about.


I don't know about that

-- Joe Doofy (, February 20, 2002.

49ers came from the football team then the miners stole it so the team had to say they copied the miners

-- (, March 22, 2002.

the town where gold was discovered is called coloma, which is located on hwy 49. hwy 49 runs north to south ans is known as the golden hwy.

-- mike holmes (, August 17, 2004.

they were predicting how many losses they would have in the next four years.

-- k. e. g. (, November 21, 2004.

they came looking for gold in 1849 tat is why they are called 49ers

-- Canesha L. Moore (, February 06, 2005.

The gold miners got their name the 49er’s because they all came in search of gold in the year of 1849.

-- Monkey Butt (, February 22, 2005.

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