Central of Georgia Piggyback Service

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

In examining some old (i.e. 1954 to 1964) Official Railway Equipment Registers, I have noticed that CofG had piggyback equipment. Can anyone provide me with a photo (or slide) of how the trailers were painted?

If so I or a friend will make the HO scale decals for the trailers. Can anyone help?

-- Mark E. Vaughan (MEV@NTRS.COM), January 27, 1998


There was a trailer at the Roundhouse Museum in Savannah lettered for Central of Georgia Motor Transport Company when I was there in 1996.I don't believe this is an authentic trailer, but rather a replica, using a similar type. I took a few slides anyhow. It may still be there. Russell Underwood

-- Russell Underwood (Jay611@home.com), November 25, 1999.

Mark, there is a photograph of CG piggyback in the June 1963 issue of "The Right Way". If you will send me your address, I will be glad to make a copy of the picture and send it to you. My snail-mail address is Bill Lowe; 5392 Zero Rd.; Meridian, MS 39301.

-- Bill Lowe (Bilobilo@aol.com), January 31, 1998.

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