please help us to make a chain to pray to St Miguel Arcangel : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Dear Holy Father:

Prefiero hablar en espaqol ya que soy chilena, mama de 4 niqos (de 23, 22, 20 y 14 aqos).

Santo Padre, estoy muy preocupada por la actuacisn de Satanas en este mundo. Debemos unirnos a nuestra Santmsima Madre y no olvidar la oracisn a San Miguel Arcangel, que yo no si porque ya no se reza despuis de cada Misa. Yo creo que si usted pidiera a los sacerdotes que se reanudara esta oracisn, se podrma lograr un milagro de salvar a este mundo que esta a punto de meterse en una Tercera Guerra Mundial. Sentimos que nuestra preocupacisn va a caer en terreno infirtil si la planteamos a cualquier sacerdote. Serma posible que usted nos ayudara? Yo si que para Dios no hay nada imposible. Lo he vivido mil veces en mi vida. Yo si que no se podra resistir a un rezo colectivo de todo el mundo para pedirle s San Miguel que aparte a Satanas. Mil gracias. Que Dios lo siga bendiciendo y ojala pueda venir a Chile para Octubre'98 a la gran reunisn de jsvenes que se esta organizando. Mil gracias!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luz Marma Holley Agustin del Castillo 2926 - Vitacura Santiago, CHILE Fono: (56-2) 228-3825 email:

-- luz maria holley amenabar (, February 06, 1998


Response to please help us to make a chain to pray to st miguel arcangel

In English:

I prefer to speak in Spanish since I am Chilean, mother of 4 children (of 23, 22, 20 and 14 years).

Santo Padre, very I am worried about the performance of Satanas in this world. We must be united to our Santi'sima Madre and not forget the oration to San Miguel Arca'ngel, that I do not know because no longer she is said after each Mass. I believe that if you asked the priests who started again this oration, a miracle could be managed to save to this world that is on the verge of putting in one Third World-wide War. We felt that our preoccupation is going to fall in infertile land if we raised any priest. It would be possible that you helped us? I know that for God there is nothing no impossible. It I have lived thousand times in my life. I know that it will not be possible to be resisted to a collective prayer worldwide to request s to him San Miguel that separate to Satan. Thousand thanks. That God continues it blessing and hopefully can come to Chile for Octubre'98 to the great meeting of young people that is being organized. Thousand thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

-- altavista translation (, February 09, 1998.

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