Need a clarification on cgi/cfgs : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

In a couple places I have found references to these files:

smart.cfg smart.cgi s-mart.cfg s-mart.cgi

I am fairly certain that I have a copy of smart.cfg, and a copy of s-mart.cgi. I do not have a copy of the other two... if this is because I could not find them would someone please send me a copy. Or am I supposed to each file both a cgi and a cfg? I'd apprectiate any help.

I also have one other question. I am assuming that the # character before most lines, denotes that that line is not to be read. At the top of all the cgis, the perl locator has the character #! before it. Do I need to remove them for it to find perl?

Thanks in advance.

I'd really appreciate any help as soon as possible. I am going to be without computer access in a couple of days, and will be unable to work on things for a while.

-- Cabal O'dell (, March 18, 1998


Hello Cabal O'dell,

You're right about the # symbol, it tells the PERL interpreter to ignore the line, so you'll find all of the comments about what the script is doing are on lines that begin with #. HOWEVER, you should leave the #! in the first line of the script. Do not remove them. If your script is not finding the perl interpreter, you can type

whereis perl5

to have the sytem tell you where the perl interpreter is, and then you can change the path to match.

There should be only one s-mart.cgi and one smart.cfg file. They can be named what you like. Paths in the smart.cfg file should point to the actual name of the s-mart.cgi file, and the "require" statement in the s-mart.cgi file should use the actual name of the smart.cfg file.

Hope that helps.

-- Bob Orr (, March 19, 1998.

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