NiMH Batteries with short life? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

What gives? I just bought a new set of AA NiMH batteries from Radio Shack for my D-600L, and they're worthless! - I've had them in the camera about 2 weeks, but have hardly taken 10 shots, and the camera's telling me the batteries are dead. I thought NiMH batteries were supposed to last a long time!

-- (This is actually a test post...) (, March 18, 1998


Actually, NiMH batteries are *excellent* in digital cameras, but they share with NiCds a tendency to "self-discharge." In my experience, the NiMH's have been much worse in this regard. "Self-discharge" as you might expect from the term itself, is the gradual bleeding-away of battery capacity over time. You can charge-up a fresh set of NiMHs, just let them sit on a shelf for a couple of weeks, and find them essentially dead. (Don't forget your charger if you're going on vacation for more than a few days!) - Also, check the Tips & Hints section of this site, as we'll have a FAQ up (eventually) talking more about various battery types for digital cameras.

-- (This is a test answer.) (, March 18, 1998.

I have a Minolta Dimage V and I have been using Quest Nickle Hydride batteries in the camera. I have found the in use and shelf life to be quite good. The battery was recomended by the Minolta Co. for use in their camera. The batteries and charge are available from Norman Camera 616-343-0460. No I am not connected with them in any way.

-- Joseph B. Calderone (, April 23, 1998.

I have the same NiMH AA batteries from Radio Shack and regularly get 60+ photos out of a fresh set. As someone posted earlier, the battery technology is highly prone to self-discharge (I'v read 1-3%/day) so if you're leaving them in the camera for a few weeks you're going to be disappointed.

The batteries with the longest shelf life are standard Alkalines. Get a set and keep them with the camera for the invevitable emergency and you might get 10-12 shots you would have otherwise missed -- even if it's 5 years down the road.

For other cameras (even the D-320L) Rayovac Renewals are excellent. They last longer on the shelf than NiMH and under the lower current load of a lesser camera can last under use. Plus the recharge is usually around an hour, they don't get hot, and each AA battery is much cheaper.

-- Ben Jackson (, May 02, 1998.

I purchased some NEXCELL "AA" batteries from Thomas Distributing. They not only last in my PHOTOPC Camera the seem to have an above average shelf life. I charge them with the standard 4 ceel charger they offer.

They can be found at

-- Bill Peters (, August 31, 1998.

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