Sithe Energies : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread


Due to the restructuring in the electric industry, my local electric company has recently sold almost all of their generating plants to Sithe Energies. I understand that Sithe is the third largest private sector electric power generation company in the United States. Does anyone know how effective they have been at ensuring year 2000 compliance in their plants?


-Ami Wright

-- Anonymous, May 04, 1998


Here's all I need to know about Sithe Energies. I won't provide my interpretation of the info, as I don't need Sithe Energies lawyers in my knickers. However, you might wish to give them a call. There's plenty of info on company - do an AltaVista websearch using their name.

Bottom line: you'd probably be hard pressed to find anyone at Sithe Energies (outside of the IT department) that even knows what the heck the Year 2000 problem is all about.

-- Anonymous, May 04, 1998

Hi Rick,

I followed the link you provided. It is information about a proposal from Sithe Energies about restructuring in New York State. It doesnt mention year 2000 compliance.

I did an Alta Vista search on Sithe before I posted the question. Yes, there is information about the company, thats how I found out that they are the third largest private sector electric power generation company in the country. I did not however find any information about their Year 2000 efforts.

This may be because they are focused on deregulation and are not paying any attention to the Year 2000 compliance, but it may also simply mean that they havent publicized what they are doing.

When I did an Alta Vista search on my local electric company, I also didnt find any information. Even their own web site didnt include Year 2000 information. However, when I wrote to several of the members of the board of directors about the problem, I got a reply from their Year 2000 program coordinator.

Ive also written to some of the senior management at Sithe about the problem. However, since Sithe is a privately held company, I dont really expect that they will reply to a random person on the street.

So, Im left with the same question: Does anyone know how effective they have been at ensuring year 2000 compliance in their plants?


-- Anonymous, May 06, 1998

Hi all,

I just found out that Anastasia Song, who is vice president of mergers and acquisitions for Sithe Energies is going to be speaking at the Northeast Power Market Conference in Boston on June 15th. The title of the conference is "Electric Asset Sales In The Northeast" and she is going to be speaking specifically about Sithe Energies purchase of the fossil fuel generating plants from Boston Edison. I would like to hear what she has to say & see if I can find out if they were aware of the state of year 2000 compliance in the plants when they bought them. However, I think the $595 registration fee is a bit steep. If there is anyone who is planning to go anyway, I would happily buy you dinner afterwards for the opportunity to pick your brains on the subject.

Info about the conference is posted on the web at:

You can reach me at:

Thanks, -Ami Wright

-- Anonymous, May 19, 1998

It is my understanding that even though this may be a privately held company, they are regulated by various federal and states regulatory agencies that makes certain information public. Have you tried your state energy regulatory board?

-- Anonymous, May 20, 1998

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