When was Central's Atlanta-Columbus line severed?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

as a (very) small child in the 50's, I was a passenger on the Man O' War from Atlanta to Columbus. Thr route was over the A&WP RR to Newnan, and then 6 miles east on Central's 'beltline' to Raymond, Ga , then south to Columbus. Can anyone tell me when the trackage from Raymond south was removed? I think, the track is still in place from near Greenville, Ga to Columbus, but not sure. How many miles of track was pulled up? Many thanks...Greg Hodges, Richmond, Va.

-- Greg A Hodges (105452.2520@compuserve.com), May 24, 1998


Greg: The track still goes thru Greenville to a wood chip plant about 5 miles north and ends there. I remember them taking the track up in Luthersville, but I can not tie down the year. Sometime in the 70s is my guess. The track also serves the Georgia Pacific plywood plant in Durand, GA about 10 miles south of Greenville. Ron...Suwanee, GA

-- Ron Jones (k4yn@america.net), May 28, 1998.

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