Anastigmat Lenses : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone know the construction of Kodak Anastigmat lenses? I have a 170mm F6.3 and it appears there is an element missing. Were these three or four element lenses? Any information would be appreciated.

-- Michael Baker (, May 26, 1998


I believe these are 4 element lenses, similar to the Ektars. It may be possible that there is a cemented group (like the tessars), but I dont know, so you may only see 3 elements.

-- Ron Shaw (, May 26, 1998.

Have you tried calling Kodak (800-242-2424) directly to get this information? They've been extremely helpful in getting me the instruction manuals for their cameras that were made in the 40's and 50's. I think it's worth the try.

-- Stuart Goldstein (, May 28, 1998.

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