FUNDING: General Comments : LUSENET : Oregon Project : One Thread

Please put any general comments, ideas, whatnots about funding in the "thread." As you get the pretty easy hang of this software, you'll see that it's easy to create threads of your own. For instance, in this case, you might know of an organization that ought to be included in a thread titled "Organizations to contact for project funding." But you might notice that "thread" doesn't exist. You may want to start it. (Click on the "About" link near the top of the forum's main page for the quick instructions.) If we needed it, and someone started a thread like that, you never know... Pretty soon we might have long list of organizations, contact names, addresses, phone numbers the grant people could refer to and use... But the main point of this paragraph is that we should maybe put the word "Funding:" in front of thread titles that pertain to funding (or somewhere in the thread title), as an identifier... but enough of that. Here are some of the general comments from the original "Informal Proposal." Please feel free to add you thoughts, suggestions, et ceteras, about anything general associated with funding to this thread. I guess what I've been trying to say is this thread is for general comments on the issue of funding, whereas more specific, nuts and bolts-type comments or issues should maybe have their own threads... Here are my general comments from the proposal. Add yours by clicking the "Contribute an answer..." link below:

If David Kelly, Paul Berger and anyone else wanted to do this, not as an official SAO project but as concerned citizens, I'm certain we can get it funded through a non-profit (I know a couple of them right now that would help - am sure you do, too) that will umbrella this as a project and give our small group the leeway we need to focus it properly, while receiving grant funds.

I'm not so sure what role I could play, or if I even should. I have a store, conservation and farm operation to keep going, and am only doing this as a way to ensure the continuity of my own efforts to keep my friends and customers fed.

I'm most interested in seeing a team emerge that has the ability to grow very fast, if necessary, on the existing base of county, city, state and non-profit org. services, with a private business partnership potential that can also be utilized quickly.

From my past experience, this involves building in funding mechanisms immediately, and the chief form of capital needed is human volunteer energy. The cash up front needs to pay volunteer coordinators. The first organizers need to be marketing/fundraising people so that the community can be brought into it.

My current suggestion is to fine-tune the language of this proposal (using your more professional skills and letterheads, hint, hint), and submit it to various agencies at the State and Federal levels, via Senator Smith (y2k Senate subcommittee), Peter DeFazio, Peter Sorenson (the Lane County y2k commissh) and others. I would also suggest applying to Microsoft, Intel, the Tenagra Corporation, and IBM, for start-up monies, as well as all the ad-hoc partners listed above, if they have funds free to designate for such purposes. I would suggest seeking a 2 year start-up funding level for all positions, to begin immediately, via an ad hoc steering committee whose first meeting is June 10th (see beginning of this letter) comprised initially of whoever shows or speaks up.

-- Cynthia (, May 30, 1998

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