ProPack : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

Is anyone using a 4" ProPack to create these transfers? What's the best type of Polaroid t use?

-- donna quinn (, June 02, 1998


Hi Donna,

I asked the same question after you, but in a different way. Once I went back and saw the title of your question I realized we were on the same track (or off the same track)....I just didn't realize when I first read yours that a ProPack was a style of Polaroid camera. Here was my question posted on this very forum yesterday (I think):

"OK, it seems that everybody uses Daylabs or some sort of slide copier to make their image transfers, but does anybody use a plain old Polaroid camera? If so, which model have you had the most luck with? I've got a 103, and I'm about to get a 100, but I also want to get a 250, 350 or 450. Anybody have a preference?"

As soon as I get some results back from the various ones I have I'll post it here....and let me know how that ProPack works out (I've got my eye on one...).

Kindest regards,


-- Vickers Davis (, October 10, 1998.

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