Early C of Ga Passenger equipment

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Has anyone come across colors of early C of Ga passenger equipment? Test scrapings on Cent RR & Banking #2 indicates a dark almost tuscan color. No lettering outlines can be found so would also like to have an idea of early lettering styles and colors.

-- Rick Perry (railsend@mindspring.com), June 06, 1998


The "Thomaston Times" of January 29, 1887 and April 9, 1887 and the CRR Annual Report for 1887 say that Tuscan Red was the new paint scheme introduced the previous year (1886). Passenger cars were repainted as they went into shop for major repair or rehab. Prior to this time, passenger cars were yellow (or straw), probably the same color as most other cars on GA RRs of the time.


-- David E. Paterson (TESCOPNS@AOL.COM), April 14, 1999.

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