Moorish Mailing List : LUSENET : Moorish Orthodox Web Crusades : One Thread

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-- Imam Barbarossa Bey (, June 25, 1998



Here are some of the words of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Reincarnated.

-- Lamaas Elisha Bey (, January 28, 1999.


Here are some of the words of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Reincarnated. "Islam is real and Islam comes from the heart of Allah. When you claim Islam you must hold a light. I, the Prophet is manifesting my love and I do declare that bloody hour is drawing near. It is not what man thinks and it is not what man say, but is what Allah say. Allah has declared that the time has been shall be no more." Praise Allah


-- Lamaas Elisha Bey (, January 28, 1999.

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