Pretty Lady in Tank : LUSENET : Nature Photography Image Critique : One Thread

Taken with nikon 8008s & 35-70 AF lens, exposure unknown, Captive. My first post so i hope this works.

-- Altaf Shaikh (, July 05, 1998


Very sharp exposure, nicely done. What film did you use. The water is exceptionally clear and blue. Good job

-- Buster Ulmer (, July 05, 1998.

OK, folks, please remember the 50KB limit on image sizes, this one clocks in a bit too big. I'm in a nice mood today, it's your first post, and it's a decent photograph of a captive dolphin so I'm letting it go ... this time.

Big mean Bob Atkins might not, though :)

-- Don Baccus (, July 06, 1998.

hmm coulda sworn it was only 50k, ill fix it.

-- Altaf Shaikh (, July 06, 1998.

Good moment, good exposure, excellent composition.

-- Jana Mullerova (, July 07, 1998.

Thanks for all the comments.

-- Altaf Shaikh (, July 12, 1998.

What does this has to do with NATURE photography ?? It is - to me - the sad and boring picture of a captured animal. It's lying.

-- Dr.Christian Becker (, July 25, 1998.

The animal in question has probably done more for awareness of the dolphin situation worldwide than you ever will. Im sure you would probably prefer me to run out and go take a boat off the coast of florida and chase dolphins and terrify them with a boat rather than take a picture of a nice friendly dolphin that loves people and is quite well cared for at one of the major research institutions for marine life. Im sure they know nothing on how to care for this animal right? Also perhaps some people that enjoy photography dont have the physical mobility to do into the wild and photograph animals, perhaps they dont have the finances that allow them to buy a 1000mm f4 lens to do it?, perhaps they simply have families and cant leave them to go on a extended trip to photograph?

Regardless if your going to criticize an image you may want to say something relevant, what exactly is wrong with the image in question? And please post an image you have taken of a dolphin to show me how its done, it would be much appreciated. I have no real problem with someone saying, Oh the image is out of focus, or the exposure is wrong, or the composition would be aided by doing this, or did you ever consider looking at it from this angle ? etc....


-- Altaf Shaikh (, July 26, 1998.

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