Commonwealth Edison Illinois : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

Hi Rick:

Commonwealth Edison IL, announced today they were looking for a buyer for all 22 of their coal fired power plants. Do you or anyone in the forum know how many nuclear power plants and the status of those remaining online. I know 2 are down of which one, the Zion plant is out for good. thanks.

-- Anonymous, July 06, 1998


I sent Andrew a private memo that was actually INCORRECT. I listed five sites in Illinois, but there are actually 13 generators. The following link give a great map of all of the U.S.'s Nuclear Power Plants:

-- Anonymous, July 24, 1998

ComEd has nuclear plant sites at Braidwood (2 units), Byron (2 units), LaSalle (2 units), Quad Cities (2 units), Dresden (3 units), and Zion (2 units).

Both Zion units were permanently retired in December 1997. One of the Dresden units has been retired for several years. Both LaSalle units have been shut down since September 1996. The NRC recently aproved restart for at least one of the latter. Both Quad Cities units recently came back on line after an extensive shutdown by the NRC.

-- Anonymous, July 29, 1998

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