Archival Quality : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Does anyone know of the archival quality options for output from digital cameras? I have heard that photos printed on inkjet can start to fade after 1-2 years as opposed to RA-4 and DyeSub prints fading after about 12-20 years. I would prefer to find something with a longer life, such as Cibachrome for digital output.

Thanks for your help!

Dave Wesely

-- Dave Wesely (, July 18, 1998


You can get chromes made from digital images at a service bureau, which you could then have printed as Cibachromes or Ilfochromes.

For archiving the image itself digital is great, as long as you keep transfering it to popular media as old formats go out of style.

-- Ben Jackson (, August 16, 1998.

Go to for some possible answers. They have a lot of papers and aftermarket inks that are MADE for archival quality prints. They also offer free advice (for the price of a phone call).

-- Dale R Dankulich (, October 11, 1999.

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