Y2K Ethical Ponderings

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

I know this may be seen by some as a stretch with regard to the electrical utility situation, but in a way it may be related. Here's what I'm thinking...

I'm going to post this to a few of the Y2K discussion forums. I sincerely hope to hear from alot of people, preferrably via EMAIL since I may forget where and when I'm posting this. Of course, please air your thoughts here in the forum as well.

Anyway, I am what I'll call a "Y2K newbie"...I've only recently studied this issue further and have concluded that, as many of you have, that this has the potential to be THE major world event of the past 500 years or so.

I have been wrestling, though, with my feelings in regards to whether to try to inform or do the "Paul Revere thing" in my own neighborhood and community as a whole. Putting aside the perceived "embarrassment" one might feel at being an "alarmist" or "whacko" (which really doesn't bother me all that much), my main point of contention within my mind is this:

Do I attempt, through talking to neighbors and the local government, to inform people as to the threat that Y2K poses? This option may open the door for the people in my community to become greatly concerned (which they *should* be), BUT it also could have a detrimental effect on MY OWN personal preparedness for my family and I. Do you see the "Catch 22" there? I want to shout it from the rooftops, but at the end of the day, I'm pretty selfish and don't want to stir up the pot while I quietly do the best to prepare.

I'm just being honest here, folks. I *really* want to hear what your thoughts are on the matter. Like I said, email is preferrable, but please leave messages here as well. Thanks!


-- Anonymous, August 03, 1998


I know exactly what you are saying. My family has been doing lots of reading and discussing what to do. I have already begun to stock pile some of the essentials of food and household products. Its not hoarding if you purchase when its available to all!!! My husband is currently working out both a solar generator and a pitcher pump with foot valve for the well. We have already minimized banking deposits and withdrawn all savings and cashed in stocks and bonds. We will prepare the best we can and wait it out. BUT....do I want my neighbors to know that we have food and cash? NO !!!!

-- Anonymous, August 04, 1998

I can see the point of having a hoard of food, but what's the point of having loads of cash when you're assuming that the entire infrastructure of civilization is crushed or severely damaged? It's not like you can eat the money.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 1998

Roger's question is one that occurs to many of us when we first begin thinking through strategies for preparation. I suggest that you who are new to this begin your own preparations as you continue to think things through. It will lessen the sense of panic and desperation we all feel at the start, and help you begin to accept that, OF COURSE we need to be sharing our concerns with our family, friends, and neighbors!

Anyone who has tried to convince others that the problem is real will quickly tell you that the response of your neighbors to the news is NOT to drop everything and run to the store for provisions! Don't be dissuaded by that myth from trying to inform people. Just keep saying, "It's serious," as often as you can to as many as you can. Eventually, you'll find others who are concerned or interested and you'll have the beginnings of a working group. We can do so much more working together than any of us can achieve working alone.

The problems y2k poses are real, complex, global, and potentially life-threatening to tens of thousands, if not millions, of human beings. Those of us who understand that have, it seems to me, a responsibility to help others understand. In the absence of meaningful national leadership, the torch has been passed to us, to ordinary people on the grassroots level. Trying to inform others is a daunting challenge. The force field of denial and misinformation is strong. But truth is strong too, especially truth spoken with courageous love for our fellows. If we're going to dissolve the force field, it will take repeated and concerted efforts.

To join in the conspiracy of silence, saying it will allow us more time to prepare to save our own necks, is cowardly, impractical and just plain wrong. As never before, we need to be doing for others what we would have them do for us. For everybody's sake.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1998

PS to Rick: Thanks for your indulgence on this "extra-curricular" topic.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1998

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