Northwest Bay (Lake George, NY) : LUSENET : Nature Photography Image Critique : One Thread

-- Brian S. Dunworth (, August 20, 1998


Those are sure some ugly branches overhanging that nice river, full of dead material and stubs. Probably the negative space zigzagging through the frame was a compositional choice. This picture doesn't work for me at all.

-- Richard Shiell (, August 21, 1998.

Uninteresting light, uninteresting composition. I'd give it maybe a 5. It is not a keeper.

-- Sean Yamamoto (, August 21, 1998.

I have to agree with Richard. I think the intent was to center on the river however it just appears flat. IMO the problems I see are:

1) the sky is taking up too large a part in the composition 2) the tree on the right partly cropped off is adding some framing but there is no supporting framing. The portion of the tree is not very interesting, however it is very dominant in the photo. 3) the river is rather bland and flat 4) the mountains are just about as blue as the river and as such we endup with a shot of light blue sky above and dark blue bottom ( river+mountains) with slivers of green.

-- Paul Lenson (, August 21, 1998.

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