any information or photo's taken by Kodak DC260 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

would like to as much as possible regarding Kodak DC260 if any photo's out there taken on DC260 would appreciate a look

-- Bob Dailey (, August 24, 1998


If you go to DejaNews ( and query the newsgroup archive, you'll find a LOT of discussion on the DC260 (a LOT of flaming, too). Many of the posters have images up on their own web pages that you can look at. (Of course, you've already read our excellent review and test shots! :-)

Oh - almost forgot. There's an *excellent* FAQ maintained by Steve Haenichen (sp?) If you'll check our prior news pages, you should find a link to it, as we reported on it a while back.

-- Dave Etchells (, August 24, 1998.

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