How is Zaragoza? : LUSENET : Barna Mission : One Thread

I finished up my mission in 1977 in the wonderful city of Zaragoza, one of my favorite places I served. The city had just barely opened up, and the branch was very, very small. One of my streetboard contacts, Hermano Carnicero, was baptized. I have always wondered about how the church has grown in that city, what were some of its milestones, who are some of its principle 'old-time' members, etc.

Anybody know anything about the history of the branch/ward(?) in Zaragoza? Thanks!

-- Anonymous, September 14, 1998


I was there 7 moths in 1991. It's been a long time and was my first area, so I don't remember a lot of people that had been in the church for a long time. I can tell you that there is now a strong branch there with a history of members from there serving missions.

If you want the latest informaton from Zaragoza, I suggest you e-mail Pedro Martinez, a member who lives ther now. You can write him in English or Spanish and he can tell you about all the members there now. Pedro's e-mail address is

-- Anonymous, September 27, 1998

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