nerc report : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

Please, I am looking for the report that the N.E.R.C. was to submit to some government agency (DOE, OMB, senate committee ???) on or before Sept. 15, 1998. Can anyone tell me where it is posted. Thank You.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 1998


Michael, go to:

Once you're at their home page, there is a gray box to the left of the page with links to the report, and other adjunct information. It will take a little time to download the files. They are in pdf format, so you will need a program such as the Adobe Acrobat reader to be able to access the download. If you don't have Adobe, just do a Yahoo search and you'll find the site to download the reader for free. Hope this helps you and good luck with the reading.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 1998

Correction. Michael, the gray box is on the right of the NERC homepage, not left.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 1998

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