Nikon PC card reader vs generic card reader : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Is there any advantage to buying the PC card reader for the Nikon Coolpix 900 that has the Nikon brand name or are any of the generic CompactFlash PCMCIA cards just as good? And the same question about the cards themselves. Does the SanDisk brand work just as well as the one that is advertised for the Nikon?


-- Nina Zacuto (, September 20, 1998


Sorry for the slow response, but the answer to both of your questions should be "yes" - The CF cards and readers are pretty generic. We've heard of some third-party cards having problems in some cameras, but SanDisk is the company that owns the design patents, so you'd think theirs would work if anybody's. The card adapters are little more than pin-rearrangers, so there should be no difference at all between brands.

-- Dave Etchells (, September 30, 1998.

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