Linhof Angulon : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

About 15 years ago I used a very small(in physical size) 90mm 6.8 lens that covered 4X5 easily. I thought that it was a Linhof Angulon. It was the only 90mm lens that was small enough to fit in my old calumet resessed lens board. I am looking for the same lens now and I am not certain certain my memory is acuate. Anybody know of these small Angulons?

-- Jeffrey Scales (, October 11, 1998


These are just the regular/older/non-Super Angulons. The come in either Linhof or non-Linhof varieties. Look on the main Large Format Photography homepage, and follow the link about older/classic lenses.

-- sheldon hambrick (, October 11, 1998.

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