Enlarging Table

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I have seen plans to build an enlarging table where the baseboard can be dropped to make bigger prints by sliding the baseboard into a series of shelf groves.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a company that builds such an assembly that could be easily installed. The alternative is to design one and have a carpenter install it in a new darkroom. I would suspect that a prefab one would be cheaper!

-- Gene Crumpler (nikonguy@emji.net), October 12, 1998


I use a shelving system. There are vertical metal pieces screwed to the wall, and these have lots of slots. The baseboard is on two metal shelf supports that can be hooked into the slots, giving me any height I want. The system is called "Spur", and is readily available in the UK. The enlarger is bolted to the wall.

-- Alan Gibson (gibson.al@mail.dec.com), October 13, 1998.

Do you have an address for the UK company? I'm in the U.S.

-- Gene Crumpler (nikonguy@emji.net), October 15, 1998.


I e-mailed you but you bounced. Hope you check back here to give me info on how to get in touch with the UK manufacturer.

-- Gene Crumpler (nikonguy@emji.net), October 16, 1998.

I didn't know their address, but Alta Vista told me their web site was http://www.techindex.co.uk/spur/, which gives their address as: SPUR SHELVING, Spur House, Otterspool Way, Watford, Herts. WD2 8HT. Tel: 01923 226071. It looks as if there are stockists in the USA.

-- Alan Gibson (gibson.al@mail.dec.com), October 17, 1998.

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