Questions about Y2K-readyness of utilities : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

1 Is there a website where utilities can report that they are ready for Y2K ? 2 Is there a [bad]list of countries [not]working on Y2K (Utilities) ? 3 If not, why not ?

Greetings, Menno

-- Anonymous, October 16, 1998


Hello, Menno. In the United States, some utilities have their own websites, and the NERC agency is gathering together whatever information the utilities will provide them. I am unaware of any site where information worldwide is presented as a whole. Also, to date, there is NO utility that I know of which has announced it is completely Y2K compliant. There are many in the process of working towards that goal, but they are not there yet. The Gartner Group has been doing global polls and studying where different countries are as far as compliancy in their infrastructure. You can access the latest Gartner Report at:

Infrastructure risks in given countries are shown in Figure 7 of that report. The best thing you can do is to call whatever local utility is supplying your electricity and ask them directly where they are in their Y2K compliance work and urge them to make it a top priority. You can also take personal measures to prepare for being without power in case the fixes are not done in time.

The reasons why utilities in some countries are not doing any work to prepare for Y2K include: they are just now becoming aware of the problem; the country's economy is in such bad shape there is no money for repairs; there is not a large enough supply of qualified computer professionals to hire to do the work.

Best wishes to you in your efforts.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 1998

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