"Islanding" is it being considered for Y2k?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

I think I read something in one of Dick Mills articles in Westergaard recntly about the use of "Islanding" as an option in case of a large "common mode" failure within a grid or grids during the y2k event period. Does anyone know whether NERC or D.O.E. is really considering this option? I was under the impression this was not a legal option for a power generating facility.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 1998


"Islanding" will probably make most Control Area's Contingency plans. It would not be the prefered option but would most likely result from the operation of under frequency relaying.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 1998

IMO, you'll see nationalization of the power industry before you see islanding. The only way any utility will be able to island is if they keep really really quiet about their plans til 12/21/99 and then cut themselves loose...too late for the govt to nationalize em. (And I dont know if its even technologically possible to cut loose that quickly).

-- Anonymous, October 19, 1998

Islanding will not be a prefered operating mode. It will happen if generation or transmission trips cause the system frequency to sag below 60 Hz for a preset period of time. Under-frequency relays will make this decision automatically and will cut sections of the system apart to try and keep the problem from spreading.

Some Control Areas do not generate as much power as they consume so it is their best interest to remain connected as long as possible to the other areas that they purchase from. Contingency plans will address minimizing these cross area transfers on 12/31.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 1998

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