Anyone want to share poetry or talk about it? Please e-mail me. : LUSENET : Poetry : One Thread

I enjoy writing poetry. I think it's a great oppurtunity to exchange poetry and talk about writing experiences, etc. If you're interested, please contact me. If you don't write poetry, you're welcome to e-mail me and comment on my poertry or just be friends.

-- Fantasy (, October 21, 1998


hi, My name is Amy and I enjoy writing poetry;however, I'm not sure about the publishing businesses out there. The National Library of Poetry has published me six times and a local newspaper. I've never signed any rights away or bought anything. I'm in the FINALS, not the semi-finals, but the finals of the North American Open poetry competition. Which really throws me off because I'm not sure if I getting anywhere or wasting my time. If you can help with advice I would appreciate it. Remember there is 3 S's in Merissa.

-- Amy Lee (, December 02, 1998.

Iam only fifteen but I do write poetry and would like to share them with you or somebody else.

-- Ashley Lynn Enter (, October 28, 1998.

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