contract grading : LUSENET : MEd Cohort III : One Thread

How do we document the criteria we submit for the contract for grading?

Do you do a 2-3 page paper for each item under "C" and the chosen item for "B" and "A"?

Thank you.

-- Anonymous, October 21, 1998


Jennifer, the deadlines and the requirements were developed today, Nov. 4th, might be handed out tonight, if not they will be posted on the WEB by friday, Terry

-- Anonymous, November 04, 1998

Jennifer, there will also be traning seesion in the computer lab when you are there next week, Terry

-- Anonymous, November 04, 1998

I am not sure of the format for answering the contract grading question. I plan to submit work which will qualify me for an 'A'. If there is any further information which is required now, please email me and I will do my best to respond. Thanks. Don Erickson

-- Anonymous, November 08, 1998

I will be submitting more information for the contract grade for the "B" section. I will be attending a conference in Albuquerque NM on Nov. 11-14. It is working with Leadership and technology. I will submit with a follow up paper, and may submit more information if it is appropriate for this class.

For my " A" grade I would like to set up a program at the school where I work to invovle parents and technology. I would like to ask more information about this after I return back from my workshop in NM.

-- Anonymous, November 10, 1998

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