Images and Links : LUSENET : Poesie d'Orient : One Thread

Images: <IMG SRC="imagename.gif"> With this tag you can display any image or gif animation on your web page. <p> Attributes: alt, align=(center, left, right), hspave, vspace, border, width & height <p> Example: <IMG SRC="picture.gif" alt="My Dog" width=200 height=100> <IMG SRC="picture.gif" hspace=10 vspace=5 align=right border=2> <p> Links: <A HREF="newpage.htm">Click Here</A> This creates a link to another page. The text between the <A> and </A> will be underlined. By using the # sign you can link to a certain spot on a page. You must define this with the <A NAME="any_name"></A> <p> Examples: <A HREF="newpage.htm">Click Here</A> Creates a link to another page. <A HREF="">Click Here</A> Creates a link to an e-mail address. <A HREF="#products">Click Here</A> Creates a link to a certain spot on the page. <A HREF="newpage.htm#products">Click Here</A> Creates a link to a certain spot on another page. <A HREF="newpage.htm"><IMG SRC="picture.gif"></A> Creates a link using a picture.

-- (, October 23, 1998

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