Coordinating Committee update : LUSENET : Ottawa School Closures : One Thread

The following report was written by Joan Spice and Dennis Lewycky (Area Three) on last week's Coordinating Committee meeting (comprised of, I think, the chairs and facilitators of the Community Working Groups)

Coordination Committee Representatives
Common Issues

For discussion ......... Coor. Cttee., October 27th

The following is our understanding of the main common issues we shared at the first Coor.Cttee meeting. We have taken these a step further and have offered some direction, that we think would help the CWGs do their work and subsequently would facilitate a more effective input for the Board's decision making on school capacities.

We would like to discuss these thoughts with you and if possible reach some agreement on how we can facilitate this process. If you have immediate thoughts we would like to hear them now. Otherwise, we can deal with them together next Tuesday. (Just a thought for those of you who will be there on the 27th - we may want to go beyond 6:30 to deal with these adequately. Plan to stay on if you can.)

Space Use Calculation Formula (summary)

The Sept. 17th memo from the OCDSB Superintendent of Facilities and Physical Planning, "Assumed Ministry School Capacities", states which factors are considered part of the formula for calculating funded school space (what space is considered and what is their student 'load') .

For elementary (non-special education) space, these rooms and their loading are
Classrooms (including art, science, laboratories, lunch, family studies) - 25
Resource rooms (which are half the size of a classroom) - 12
Relocatables (which are not the same as portables) - 25
Special Education classrooms (note below) - 9

The following spaces at schools are NOT included/loaded in the formula.
Outside space
Day Care spaces
Leased out space
ESL rooms - testing rooms
Guidance rooms
Small group rooms
Instrumental Music rooms Design and Tech. rooms.

Special education space, will be calculated according to different standards. In the Sept.29th memo from Veronica Lacey, Deputy Minister of Education, the following instructions were provided for calculating space usage for special education (spec.ed.) purposes in the formula:

Joan Spice ( and Dennis Lewycky (Area Three)

-- Anonymous, October 24, 1998

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