Introducing new kitten : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Hi, does anyone know of a good way to introduce my new Maine Coon kitten to my two adult cats? They are about two and a half years old and I will be getting my Maine Coon kitty the week before Thanksgiving. I am concerned about introducing them so as to try to avoid any possible major adjustment problems for my adults. Please help with your suggestions.

Thank you very much, Sue

-- Anonymous, October 25, 1998


Put the kitten in a seperate room for a while. They can smell each other and even start to play footsie under the door. If your other 2 are used to sleeping with you, don't make the room for the kitten your bedroom. They won't like being locked out!!

This may not work. I tried the same thing with MY new kitten when I brought her home. She refused to have any part of being locked up seperate. Ran right the first time I opened the door, greeted the other 2 cats and made herself right at home!!

-- Anonymous, November 03, 1998

I had great luck introducing a new MC kitten using the tuck her in the room for a few days method. My 8 month old neutered male MC was spellbound at the door chirping and playing footsies. I let her out after a week and they have been best friends since - both playing and napping together. My other goal was realized too - both young ones play with each other and leave my 15 year old cat alone.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 1999

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