Where [do raves happen in NC]?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

Where and how often do raves take place in NC? I used to hear of a lot of them a couple of years ago, but since I moved out of Chapel Hill, to Raleigh, I never see flyers or hear anything about them anymore. HELP! KB

-- Anonymous, November 06, 1998


Response to Where?

North Carolina is full of raves, everywhere, every weekened...As far as weeklies go...check out Revival, at the Clubhouse in Creedmoor...just take HWY. 56 N to Creedmore from Raleigh, it's on Stem Rd...you can't miss it...First Friday, every first friday of the month at Babylon, on Elm St., in Greensboro...Go to Lost City, on Franklin St. in Chapel Hill, they'll have fliers...and lots of them...The NC scene isn't small, and the parties are flourishing...once you go to one, pick up fliers for another...and go from there...

-- Anonymous, November 24, 1998

go to spins in Greensboro and you can pick up lots of flyers

-- Anonymous, September 27, 1999

Charlotte!! Tremont, Area 51 off of sugar creek rd exit 42

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2000

Rave Friday, Feb 16, 2001 Statesville NC- 1013 Big Forest RD-Wayside

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

you sound like a narc to me, but there is gonna be a HUGE party at the Durham Armory,friday,jan.11-02!!!!!!!!!hope to see you there. HIVE,CAUSE4CONCERN,etc.......DrumnBass Heaven,it's called RebelYell!

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2001

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