Barb Olson's page : LUSENET : MEd Cohort III : One Thread

Barb Olson's personal page

-- Anonymous, November 11, 1998


Hi! I am Barb Olson, and I currently teach at Superior Senior High School. I am a math teacher, and I teach Math 9, Geometry, and Advanced Algebra. Superior Senior High School is located at 2600 Catlin Avenue, Superior, WI, 54880. My phone number at the school is 715-394-8720 Ext. 158.

I am interested in special education issues as well as issues regarding our at-risk population. We currently have a "Links Program" at Superior where it is sort of a school within a school. It is basically designed to accomodate those students who cannot make it in a regular class setting for various reasons. Many of them also participate in a work-study program where they go to a job in the afternoon. I am interested in designing a mathematics curriculum for those students. Especially now with the Wisconsin Graduation Standards approaching, I am concerned that these students will not be able to pass the WSAS test for graduation.

My personal life is filled with activities such as gardening, hunting, fishing, and my cat. My boyfriend is pretty special too! We recently purchased a house, and we are busy remodeling and fixing things up. I enjoy all of the projects, because I can see an improvement with everything we do.

I have enjoyed my experiences with the cohort members so far, and I look forward to the new friendships that will grow through future experiences. Good luck to you all in your endeavors.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 1998

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