Denver International Airport : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I'm a bit surprised that no one has posted this astonishing admission that appeared in today's Denver Post (November 12, 1998). Located on page 5A under the headline "DIA opposes concourse B expansion", one will find an insert with the following heading and admission:


Denver International Airport revealed its spending plans and problems in a bond offering statement issued for Tuesday's refinancing.

1. The airport administration said it could be forced to shut down for an unspecified period staring jan. 1, 2000, because of Year 2000 problems in its computers or those of affiliates such as the Federal Aviation Administration.

2. The airport must spend $4 million to replace the airfield lighting system and the flight listing computers because they will fail in 2000 and cannot be repaired.

Rode to work on the bus this morning and I'm sure I made a noise when I read this because a couple of passengers looked over at me. And what with Chevron admitting that they won't make it, well some truth is spilling out of the denial bin and working itself public. Love it!

-- kalani hanohano (, November 12, 1998


Correction on source for article: It was the Rocky Mountain News, NOT the Denver Post. Apologies!

-- kalani hanohano (, November 12, 1998.

We need to make sure that FAA administrator who plans on flying cross-country on 12/31/1999 - 01/01/2000 to "prove its safe" will land by herself (keep everybody else off the plane) when she comes into DIA.

She does know how to fly, doesn't she?

-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw, GA) (, November 12, 1998.

Wait till they start up the baggage conveyors that year --

-- Tom Carey (, November 12, 1998.

I printed out that entire article and there was no mention of "BOND STATEMENT REVEALS DIA PROBLEMS" or any mention or closing in Jan 2000. Did they censor out the statement from their on line newspaper or are you mistaken? I feel almost asking, because I suspect I know the answer.

-- Ann Fisher (, November 13, 1998.

I printed out that entire article and there was no mention of "BOND STATEMENT REVEALS DIA PROBLEMS" or any mention or closing in Jan 2000. Did they censor out the statement from their on line newspaper or are you mistaken? I feel almost silly asking, because I suspect I know the answer.

-- Ann Fisher (, November 13, 1998.

Interesting! Looks like they did not include the inset article in the Rocky Mountain News electronic edition. But rest assured the article exists as i've indicated. If any of you want a copy, please e-mail me. Won't be a problem to send it to you!

-- kalani hanohano (, November 13, 1998.

Email didn't work, but I'd still be interested in a copy please.

-- Max Dixon (Ogden, Utah USA) (, November 14, 1998.

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